Our Pricing

What you get for your money

* Concept 1 - if you are not completely satisfied, we discuss changes and move on to
* Concept 2 - we will then tweak concept 2 to your satisfaction.

-  Pre-Made - R1900.00 ($120)
Only the text will change and the size will be tweaked to fit your cover. Once you choose
​a pre-made cover design it will be removed from this site so that you are assured of a unique cover for your book. 

-  eBook - R1900.00 ($120)
​(if your eBook is the same as your custom cover - no charge). 

- Custom Design - R2500.00 ($250). This includes a hi-res print ready file. Amazon upload file and eBook file.

​Prices DO NOT include the purchase of stock images (if necessary).
All designs are payable upfront before any work will commence.
Custom Design
Please bear in mind that every single wrap around is custom made to fit YOUR book.
These cannot be created generically, they need to be made so that they fit your novel perfectly.

What you need to supply:

1. Title of your Novel.
2. Trim size (this is the size of your novel in inches eg. 6x9).
3. Final page count after it is formatted for your print trim size (this determines the width of the book’s spine).
4. Book blurb to go on the back cover.
5. Any information you require on the back cover.
6. ISBN number.
7. Where is your novel being printed? If you are printing in the USA I have to create an RGB profile cover. If it is being printed in South Africa I have to create a CMYK cover. This is information I require.
8. Any photos of you that you need on the cover must be provided at 300 dpi (dots per inch).

Thank you.
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